Observatory Project Beginning

We’re just starting our observatory project. I’m clearing the space to get the observatory up and running and we will begin construction starting this week! More to come as this project moves ahead! Note – May 2021: Just after I wrote this, my mother had a massive stroke and all progress on the observatory came Read More …

Astronomy Hacks Book Review

I have been acquiring books as I re-enter this hobby of amateur astronomy and I found several that I will be reviewing. Oddly, the books that I am attracted to are mostly out of print and I’ve acquired mostly second hand copies. This said, I saw this title from O’Reilly books, “Astronomy Hacks“, by Robert Read More …

Site Creation

And so begins the site pages for the Sierra Debora Observatory. I know not where exactly all of this will go, but I do want to insure that the universe is accessible to everyone and to get people to look up at the sky and not down at their cell phones so much!